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Raihan Ali
Apr 07, 2022
In Welcome to the Food Forum
Custom fields hold the end date of the assignment email list another custom field holds the email of the company the contact works forone week before the assignment ends, automation will send you an email with all the information to offboard contacts working for your company. The day after the assignment is complete, the company will receive an email with a link to the feedback form. From a company perspective, you need to design your form to collect the feedback that your contacts find most valuable about the time they work at the company. This allows you to address your company's concerns. The if / else action checks if the company submitted the form a few days later. If not, it goes into a cycle where reminders are submitted every few days until the form is submitted. Submitting the form will end the automation. If you save your company's point person's email list address in a custom field, you can automatically enter a personalized tag in the notification step. 0sj7yl0h automation button 5. Automate contact availability 6iou78jmu automates contact availability mktplacewhen the contractor or employee finishes the assignment, (keep your finger on it) make it available for new work. Use a custom field for allocation availability (from previous automation)you can change that field to " Assigning". This indicates that the team members email list are working on something (and trigger this automation)contacts are captured in a wait step until that date is the same as the end of allocation date. This is the date to save in the custom field. The contact then goes to the update contact step and the allocation availability field is set to available. This keeps you informed of who can participate in the project (and who is already in the middle of the project). 0sj7yl0h automation button 6. Project update reminder flow f7hpoin6 projectupdatereminderflowmktplace when a team is focused on a project, it's easy to forget to communicate with the company and clients.

Raihan Ali

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